Today it's my turn again to show you some fun stuff. I love making a mess with wet embossing.
Slowely the holiday season is coming up, so I made a tag, that you can send from your vacation adress or attach to a gift that you bought on your holiday.
Let's start
As you can see do not need much and not on the photo is the heat tool and the craftsheet. The craftsheet is resistent to the heat and easy to clean with glue, ink and paint and keeps your table clean. And the heattool you need to heat the embossing powder.
Place the mask on the tag and ink it with the Vintage Photo Distress ink and dry it quickly with the heattool.
You will see it starts to shimmer a bit and get it bit thicker than the rest of the part. This technic is called wet embossing.
Now you can have some fun with all kinds stamps on it. You can use some more of this technic or normal stamp it.
Show us your creations maybe you can use the color theme of our challenge and maybe win something!!!
Keep on craftin'
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